Monday, July 12, 2010

Manic Monday - Camp

The Chewy kid is off at camp this week. Going away to overnight camp at Camp Hantesa is one of my fondest memories of my childhood, and has made a huge difference in who I am today. I also feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work in such a great field for most of my full-time career. I believe strongly that all kids can benefit from a camp experience - but I believe just as strongly, as a professional and a parent that parents need to do their homework to find the right camp. The American Camp Association is a great resource for parents, helping them find programs that fit their needs, and explaining the importance of choosing an American Camp Association Accredited Camp for your child. More information for parents can be found at there website: Many camps still have some session openings for this summer, or you can start planning for next year.

Because of Camp I:

Learned more about nature, and gained a desire to help preserve it
That sleeping out under the stars isn't scary, especially when you are surrounded by friends
Learned how to be myself, not what others expected me to be
Had the opportunity to become "that counselor" that played with kids, and helped make magic
Learned to live and work in a group - and the importance of give and take
Can cook about anything over a fire
Grew up with a passion for youth development
Know the importance of a silly song and have several memorized for a silly song emergency
Want my kids to have a chance for the same experience


  1. Because of Camp I:
    Learned that more people doing the job makes it go quicker and you have more fun.
    Love puppetery.
    Make friends easily.
    Learned to "go with the flow" when things like weather hampered what was scheduled.
    Appreciate foil packs and that any dessert is better with marshmallows.
    Got to be part of some little campers memories of a midnight story time.
    Made some great friends and memories.
    Learned to experiment with new things. Even more exciting when I was pretty good at them.
    Yearn for the smell of campfire smoke every summer.


  2. those are great Carma! I found I really could have kept going as well. Love "learned to experiment...."

  3. I figured you would also appreciate the marshmallow dessert. Oh, Queen of the crispie treat in a pan. "Just dig it out with your spoons or fingers, girls." LOL
